3rd Annual Perris Fandom Con

June 29th and 30th, 2024 10AM - 5PM

Becoming the Mask: All You Need to Know About Cosplay




the practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game.

Cosplayers often put hours of time and effort into their costumes, and they love showing them off to other fans.

This guide is perfect for beginners just starting out on their cosplay journey.

Types of Cosplay

There are a variety of cosplay, each with its own unique style and flair. Some of the most popular types of cosplay include:

  • Anime cosplay: Anime cosplay is dressing up as characters from Japanese anime and manga. This type of cosplay is often very detailed and realistic, and it often requires a lot of skill and craftsmanship to create the costumes.
  • Comic book cosplay: Comic book cosplay is dressing up as characters from American comic books. This type of cosplay is often more casual and fun than anime cosplay, and it often features more brightly colored costumes.
  • Video game cosplay: Video game cosplay is dressing up as characters from video games. This type of cosplay can be very elaborate, and it often requires a lot of technical skill to create the costumes.
  • Movie and TV show cosplay: Movie and TV show cosplay is dressing up as characters from movies and TV shows. This type of cosplay can be very realistic, and it often requires a lot of attention to detail to create the costumes.
  • Original character cosplay: Original character cosplay is dressing up as a character that you have created yourself. This type of cosplay is a great way to be creative and express your own personal style.

How to Get Started in Cosplay

If you're interested in getting started in cosplay, here are a few things you need to do. First, you need to choose the character you want to cosplay as. This can be a character from any work of fiction, such as a movie, TV show, anime, manga, video game, book, or comic.

Once you've chosen a character, you need to start planning your costume. This includes deciding what materials you need, how you're going to make the costume, and how you're going to accessorize it. There are many resources available to help you get started, such as online tutorials, cosplay forums, and cosplay conventions.

Tips for Cosplaying

Here are a few tips for cosplaying:

  • Have fun! Cosplay is a hobby, so it's important to enjoy yourself. Don't get too stressed out about making the perfect costume or winning a contest. Just relax and have fun with it.
  • Be yourself. Cosplay is a great way to express your own personal style. Don't be afraid to put your own spin on a character costume.
  • Be respectful. Cosplay is a public activity, so it's important to be respectful of others. Don't take up too much space, and be mindful of your surroundings.
  • Have patience. Cosplay can be a time-consuming hobby. Don't get discouraged if your first few costumes don't turn out perfect. Just keep practicing and you'll eventually get the hang of it.

But what if you want to take your designs and outfits to the next level? Well then, in that case, you could try joining a cosplay contest!

What is a Cosplay Contest?

A cosplay contest is a competition in which participants dress up as characters from fiction and compete for prizes. Cosplay contests are often held at fandom conventions, but they can also be held at other events, such as comic book stores and anime festivals.

History of Cosplay Contests

The earliest known examples of cosplay contests date back to the early 2000s, when Japanese fans of American superheroes would dress up as their favorite characters and compete for prizes. In the 2010s, cosplay contests began to grow in popularity in other parts of the world, and they soon became a staple of fandom conventions. Today, cosplay contests are held all over the world, and they are a popular way for cosplayers to show off their skills and creativity.

Types of Cosplay Contests

There are many different types of cosplay contests, each with its own unique rules and format. Some of the most popular types of cosplay contests include:

  • Costume contests: Costume contests are the most common type of cosplay contest. In a costume contest, participants are judged on the accuracy, detail, and overall quality of their costumes.
  • Character contests: Character contests are similar to costume contests, but in a character contest, participants are judged on their ability to embody the character they are cosplaying. This can include things like their mannerisms, voice, and overall performance.
  • Group contests: Group contests are for teams of cosplayers who dress up as characters from the same work of fiction. In a group contest, teams are judged on the overall coordination and cohesiveness of their costumes.
  • Masquerade contests: Masquerade contests are the most prestigious type of cosplay contest. In a masquerade contest, participants are judged on the overall presentation of their cosplay, including their costume, makeup, props, and performance.

How to Enter a Cosplay Contest

There are many cosplay contests held all over the world, so you should be able to find one that is near you. Once you've found a contest, you need to read the rules carefully. Each contest has its own rules, so it's important to make sure you understand them before you enter. Finally, you need to submit your entry. This usually involves submitting a photo of your costume and a short description of your character.

Tips for Winning a Cosplay Contest

  • Choose a character that you are passionate about. This will help you put more effort into your costume and performance.
  • Make sure your costume is accurate and detailed. This will show the judges that you have put a lot of time and effort into your cosplay.
  • Practice your character's mannerisms and voice. This will help you embody the character and give a better performance.
  • Be creative and original. Don't be afraid to put your own spin on your character's costume or performance.
  • Have fun! Cosplay is a hobby, so it's important to enjoy yourself. If you're having fun, the judges will be able to tell.

Cosplay is a fun and creative hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It's a great way to express your love of fiction, meet new people, and have fun.

So what are you waiting for? Start cosplaying today!

Don't miss out on the opportunity to see amazing cosplays and meet new friends! Contact Perris Fandom Con today at [email protected] to know more about our annual convention before it's too late. We can't wait to welcome you to the ultimate Inland Empire fandom and cosplay experience!

Posted on May 16th, 2023 - Edited June 4, 2024


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We are delighted that you are interested in joining us for a weekend of celebrating our favorite fandoms. Come, meet like-minded people, have fun, and relive your favorite stories and memories together! We are confident you will have a great time and find something new to adore with us. So get ready and see you soon!