3rd Annual Perris Fandom Con

June 29th and 30th, 2024 10AM - 5PM

Phenom from PFC 2023

Meet Orlando, the creative genius behind Phenom. He draws original art, fan art, and creates prints and stickers. For fellow comic lovers, he’s a master at the comic book and anime art styles. Other pieces include Dungeons and Dragons and gaming-inspired art. His tools of the trade include pencil and digital art software.

Posted on May 25, 2024 - Edited June 3, 2024


Got Any Questions?

We are delighted that you are interested in joining us for a weekend of celebrating our favorite fandoms. Come, meet like-minded people, have fun, and relive your favorite stories and memories together! We are confident you will have a great time and find something new to adore with us. So get ready and see you soon!